The Director ID system is now in place. Please take action on this asap.
The Director ID system is now in place. Please take action on this asap. The Federal government have now set up an identification system for all company directors in Australia. Like your Tax File Number or an ABN, it is a unique identifier used with all entities in which a person holds a director’s position. i.e. the number is ‘attached’ to the person, not the company. The intention is that this system helps to deal with false directorships or fraudulent director identities. It will also deal with the common situation of multiple names being used for an individual (such as middle names being included or excluded with different directorships. The number itself is a 15 digit code that adheres to international standard ISO 3166. All Australian Directors will have a number that starts with ‘036’, followed by an 11 digit unique number and a ‘check digit’ that is used to determine the validity of the number being used (This is similar to the TFN and ABN...